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------ The Book of Keeping TP ------
 Heregul's Tales Bookshop
    As you enter this bookshop, you can that the once orderly bookshop looks a little worse for the wear. The shelves of books are placed against the wall, but the books seem to be place with little regard for order throughout the store. Looking around, you can see that the place shows the signs of once having been turned upside down - the floor is scuffed and the occassional loose page is on the floor. On the left wall, you can see, scrawled in green letters, 'Seragorn Watches You', although an effort has been made to cover it up with a paper announcement of a new Sensate Play. On the ceiling is painted a map entitled, "The Known Multiverse," which encompasses small maps of all of creation, including the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, the Prime, the Ethereal and the Astral. A sign, "Welcome to Heregul's" hangs before you cut off about half-way through with a jagged mark. The rest of the phrase seems to be nowhere around. The exit to the store is behind you, through a new door that seems to have been just recently put on the hinges.
  Trinity looks around the shop as she enters
  Heregul says, "And wait for the attack; I'll give the signal by saying, 'Thank you, and may the light always shine upon you.' That will be your signal to attack."
  Skimbleshanks says, "Right, "Ill empty out my compatriots in the back."
  Heregul nods to Trinity as she enters. "Greetings," he says. "Have you found the device I asked about?"
  Trinity approaches Heregul, a wave of unease wahing over him as she nears....
  You release the Nullstone and it floats in mid-air before you
  Skimbleshanks blubbers into the back and pours out the tar which begins to harden into 8 Farastu.
  You say, "Shall I activate it when you give the signal..."
  Skimbleshanks says, "What does that do?"
  Heregul looks a bit nervous as the Nullstone arrives. "That thing can nullify a good majority of my psionic powers. Yes, when I give the signal, activate it and hide it somewhere in the stacks."
  Trinity grins wickedly at Skim
  Skimbleshanks says, "That dosen't answer my question. If you don't tell me I am withdrawing my help."
  Heregul says, "As long as it is hidden, Neven will not be able to teleport away."
  Skimbleshanks says, "Gotcha."
  Heregul says, "Actually, *nobody* will be able to teleport away, but that's not a big deal with you, is it?"
  Trinity taps the stone lightly and then motions it away....
  The Nullstone then drifts up and settle ontop of a tall bookshelf inconspicuosly
  Skimbleshanks says, "I can't teleport in the first place, so no."
  Heregul nods. "As I meant," he smiles.
  You say, "Portals are also negated in the vicinity, not that that should be a concearn.... But that does include gates as well...."
  Heregul nods. "Skimbleshanks, I must warn you - Neven may be able to escape us. If he does so, I will lead you and your farastu to his Gehennan stronghold, where we will destroy his machines of evil."
  Skimbleshanks says, "As you wish, but do you believe that a Shator and 8 Farastu can handle an Arcanoloth's minions."
  Heregul nods. "I do believe so."
  Trinity walks over by the door, and sits down in an out of the way spot.
  Trinity takes out her dark covered tome, and begins reading as she fades from view, becoming invisible
  Nullstone begins to glow softly
  Heregul says, "However, I must warn you that he has had access to a Book of Keeping for a good length of time: he may have... special guardians summoned to deal with it."
  8 Farastu has arrived.
  Skimbleshanks says, "Ahh, good, they have formed completley."
  Skimbleshanks says, "Well, if that is the case, I can gate in Kelubar and Farastu."
  8 Farastu mill about the shop, looking at books.
  Heregul says, "Would that work in Sigil?"
  A glowing apparition of a skeletal face appears floating in the room
  Skimbleshanks says, "No, but in Gehenna it will."
  You say, "Is that the plan, to have Neven lead us to the book, or should I contain him here..."
  Heregul nods. "Indeed," he says.
  The skull asks "am I needed at the present time?"
  Skimbleshanks says, "A mimir?"
  You say, "No, not at this time my friend"
  the skull replies "You know how to contact me."
  You say, "Yes, thank you"
  the semi-transparent skull fades from sight
  Skimbleshanks says, "Now, do you want me to kill him or just keep him busy?"
  Heregul explains to Trinity, "I desire to slay Neven here. I know where his stronghold is, and I know the key to the portal there. However, should Neven escape, we can destroy his schemes in Gehenna. If he does not, we can demolish the portal to his caverns."
  You say, "Good, I will make shure he will not escape, to allow the plans to run smoothly"
  Skimbleshanks says, "And what will my role be?"
  Heregul says, "You will have the pleasure of slaying him or destroying his schemes. Any yugoloth defenders in Gehenna, should it come to that, will be yours to destroy."
  8 Farastu says, "Can we eat him, boss?"
  Skimbleshanks says, "Ask Heregul."
  8 Farastu says, "Can we eat him Heregul?"
  Heregul nods. "If it kills him, you can do it. No torture, though."
  You say, "May I have first dibs at the corpse, I only require his blood...."
  Skimbleshanks gives a Jabba laugh. "You have appearently never seen a Gehreleth eat, my dear Heregul/"
  Heregul says, "I care not this time - he is a threat to the multiverse, and I don't care *how* you get rid of him."
  Skimbleshanks says, "Heregul, when I attack, my Farastu will deal with Neven and I will mock attack you. I will throw a few spells but puposefully miss and have a Ray of Enfeeblement hit Neven."
  Heregul nods. "That sounds good," he says.
  Skimbleshanks says, "So.... try and position yourself between me and him."
  You say, "I will remain hidden unless needed, of course"
  Heregul says, "I want to be certain that this attack looks like an accident at first."
  Skimbleshanks says, "Now should be a good time to make me invisible."
  8 Farastu says, "Yes, yes!"
  Heregul makes a motion. "Hide yourself," he says, as he heads for the exit.
  Skimbleshanks says, "I'm to big!"
  Skimbleshanks says, "Gyahh!"
  Skimbleshanks squeezes into a back room.
  8 Farastu lay down flat behind the counter.
  Heregul and Neven enter.
  Heregul looks around at the bookshop, then peers out the window. With that, he locks the door firmly.
  Neven eyes the lock on the door before continuing. "So, I don't suppose I could engage you in that wonderful chitchat that we usually do? Speaking of which, where's your wonderful little pet, Shikina?"
  Heregul says, "Shikina is elsewhere, probably wanting to 'smite evil.' She doesn't listen much anymore. But that is besides the point. I need to know the tides of the Blood War."
  Neven rolls his eyes theatrically. "You know you're not going to make a difference, anyway. Your futile attempts at altering the opposite side of the ring are pointless. Why bother?" He pauses, sighs, and snaps his fingers, a thin scroll appearing in midair. "But, there you have the area near Baator. Much good though it do you."
  Heregul grabs the scroll quickly. "Thank you," he says. "Is there more?"
  Neven states, "No. Now, if you will excuse me, I'll be on my way back to my various business.. attending to your.. needs."
  Heregul tucks the scroll away in a pocket, and smiles, "Thank you, and may the light always shine upon you."
  You say, "Stone, activate"
  Nullstone suddenly flares with a bright purple light and begins to emit a low humming noise.
  Cold green eyes glow out of the backdoorway. A deep voice says, "Heregul! You have cheated me at the Races for the last time. You and your little friend here are going down!
  Heregul steps backwards. "What treachery is this?", he says. "Who is here? Show yourself!"
  Skimbleshanks comes out from the back.
  8 Farastu hop over the counter top.
  Heregul looks a bit frightened at the voice. "You! You! I thought you had more sense than to do this, gehreleth!"
  Skimbleshanks says, "Ha, you little maggot! Faratsu, keep that informant busy while I take care of this excuse for a book seller."
  Neven rolls his eyes again. "Gehreleths. How.. annoying." He waves his hand and a quick flash of red sparks fill the air around him.. but he doesn't move. Frowning, he eyes the beasties.
  8 Farastu advance toward Neven, keeping a hole open in their ranks.
  Skimbleshanks hops in front of Heregul.
  Heregul steps backwards in terror, backing straight into Neven. "Stay away!", he threatens.
  Skimbleshanks points his finger at Heregul. A green beam shoots out, but missess and goes over his shoulder toward Neven.
  Heregul dodges to one side as the ray of enfeeblement is emitted by Skimbleshanks.
  Trinity, still invisible, stands up in front of the door, still reading my book casually
  Neven gasps as the ray hits him square in the shoulder, and in an inhumanly fluid movement, raises his trembling hand, palm facing out, as a wall of fire sheets across the room, torching the bookshelves to either side of the wall now dividing the room.
  Heregul is caught at the back side of the room (opposite the door) as the wall of fire activates.
  You say, "Stone, burn"
  Nullstone suddenly bursts into cold black flames making the surrounding area quite cold.
  As the cold black flames leap from atop a nearby bookshelp, they send a waves of cold throughout the room before coliding with the wall of fire, dispersing both the energys in one sudden blast of heat and cold before all returns to as it was before
  Skimbleshanks makes a lackluster jab with his claws at Heregul.
  As the Farastu lurch at Neven, their hands glow with a purple sheen. This is the power of Apomps, the power to sap one's opponent's energies.
  Heregul clumsily rolls to one side, easily avoiding the shator's half-hearted blow.
  Dodging out of the way of lurching ghereleths is not easy when there's as man as there are her. Turning and starting to run for a side wall, Neven's cloak gets caught on the snaggled claws and rips, pulling him off-balance as he points at one of the walls, a blast of telekinetic force blowing the stone outward and opening a large door-ish shaped hole in the side of the shop.
  Heregul winces as his shop gets torn apart.
  Standing outside the large hole in the wall is a figure dressed in black robes, staring at Neven.
  8 Farastu says, "???"
  Skimbleshanks says, "??"
  Noctos stands outside the shop, examining the damage
  Trinity's voice can be heard, "Good of you to join us"
  Noctos says, "I was in the area"
  Skimbleshanks throws a spell at Heregul, very badly aimed.
  Heregul makes an effort to stand, and manages to move out of the way of the spell.
  Heregul points at the shator. "You shall regret your decision, beast!"
  8 Farastu grab frantically at Neven, attempting to drag him to their mouths where he canot escape throught the wall.
  Skimbleshanks thinks he should have brought Kelubar.
  Neven winces as farastu claws gouge his back, dodging not-so-nimbly anymore. Making a break for the newly 'opened' entrance, he nearly bowls over the hooded figure as he half stumbles, half runs out.
  Heregul points to the exit. "Everyone, follow me," he says seriously.
  Skimbleshanks says, "Right!"

Heregul, Skimbleshanks, Noctos and Trinity then take chase after Neven, eventually ariving at the portal to his lair and passing through....

 Gehenna: Unknown Location

    Lit only by a faint glow from some unseen source, this cavernous room seems to extend into darkness in all directions. A steel grating overlays the floor; underneath it, partly-visible slimy shapes can seen writhing about, glistening with an unnatural organic quality. Near what appears to be the center of the room is a latticework platform with wires, gears, and other esoteric objects cluttered about it. The only clear area there is a small circular pedestal about the size of a body's head. The entire area is warm, though not stiflingly hot, and a mildly fetid odor rises from the floor.
  As you pass in through the portal, a brilliant green symbol flashes above the archway, slowly beginning to fade as a sudden feeling of slowness seems to drop over the room.
  Canoloth sniffs loudly, and growls in Heregul's direction once it senses him
  Heregul says to the Canoloth, "Neven has sent us to retrieve the Book of Keeping for a vital task."
  Noctos looks behind him, then quickly turns his attention to the yugoloth
  The book is can be seen resting easily on the tiny pedestal of the large odd-looking device, a distance away.
  Skimbleshanks drops a pile of goo, which forms into the 8 'leths.
  Noctos says, "We require illumination...."
  Heregul raises a hand. Suddenly, a huge flare of light is emitted from his fingertip. Heregul shines like a literal torch in the darkness.
  Suddenly, long iron spikes rise from the floor, spaced every meter on the iron floor grid. Magic crackles between the tall spires of the spikes that now nearly touch the ceiling of the cave, occasionally zipping down the spikes with a deadly 'zap' when something touches them.
  The spikes are spaced squarely every meter, /almost/ touching the ceiling.
  8 Farastu look confused as three of their number unwillingly melt into tar pools.
  Canoloth takes the opportunity to lash out its tongue, weaving it expertly between the spikes, seeking to grasp Heregul.
  5 Farastu says, "They killed Uglybutt, Foulnose, and Kookyball!"
  Skimbleshanks says, "Damn those vile 'loths!"
  Noctos reaches into his pouches taking out some spell components to ready a spell
  Trinity walks up to a spike, fading into view as she does, then graps it....
  Large amounts of electrical energy surges around her as she points Whisper at the Canoloth and lets loose a tremendous surge of energy at it....
  Noctos mumbles a few arcane phrases and produces a shiny black stone from his pouch. He points his finger at the Canoloth and a midnight black beam shoots forth from his fingertip. The beam shoots over the Canoloth's head and detonates into a huge ball of cold, black fire several dozen yards behind the yugoloth, enveloping him in black flames
  Suddenly, the form of Heregul seems to melt right off his body. Where once stood a human, now stands an ursinal - one of the bear-like guardinals of Elysium, standing at the center of a large radius of light, a beacon in the dark. He stares at the approaching tongue without panic, and begins to speak soothing and peaceful words - words of a sleep spell, directed at the canoloth.
  Skimbleshanks says, "Aho! I knew it!"
  Skimbleshanks says, "For Apomps! (and dinner-- I haven't had Canoloth in a while)"
  5 Farastu raise a hearty chear. "For Apomps!"
  With this, the Gehreleths form a motley mob and begin to shamble toward the Canoloth, intent on eating him.
  With a loud 'hissssssssss', the ball of cold fire whirls around the room, drawn towards the huge device in the center of the room.. and dissipates with a slight slurping noise, drawn into the gears of the machinery.
  The lightning races towards the canoloth, and hits him square in the chest. The energy mostly disspates, the excess energy being sucked into the nearby spikes surrounding it.
  Canolothhesitates and lowers its head for a fraction of a second, before shaking it off. Its chitin glows for just a moment, and then it fully recovers. After seeing the 'leths headed towards it, it stops, tilts its head, and summons something.
  A mezzoloth jumps screaming from a quickly opening and closing Gate!
  You say, "Well, appearently magic is useless...."
  A harsh blood red light burns out from behind Trinity's shades
  A mezzoloth screaches madly as it reorients itself. Exchanging a knowing gaze with the Canno, it leaps into action.
  A mezzoloth wheels around to face the Farastu, spear in hand, and dives headlong into their midst. It's double eyelids each flicker once, and it appears to be laughing with glee.
  Trinity leaps at the Mezzo with blinding speed, first thrusting Whisp at it's chest, then instantly pivoting two swirl, making a second attack, trying to sweep it's feet out from under it with a sweeping motion from her staff....
  A Farastu is hit in shoulder. He is still alive, but unconsious.
  5 Farastu says, "The knocked out Tiny Tatertots!"
  One of the farastu, leaping forth at the mezzoloth with bared claws, lands solidly on a patch of iron grating.. which clinks under its feet, dropping it into the pit of larvae below and making disappearing from sight beneath the oozing maggoty creatures.
  3 Farastu says, "Those ********, they killed Horsebreath!"
  Noctos performs the somatic gestures for a spell and enounces magical speech. Suddenly a large lance made of pure ice forms in the air and speeds at the canoloth with blinding speed
  Heregul says in a deep bear-like voice arcane words of magic. He waves his hands around, and the light surrounding him begins to take on a reddish tint. Suddenly, a pure bolt of Limbian energy branches out of his two hands to strike both the mezzoloth and the cannoloth.
  Skimbleshanks says, "Juicytoes, Assrash, Pimplybutt, eat the Canoloth, I'll take care of the Mezzoloth."
  3 Farastu says, "Yes boss!"
  Skimbleshanks lumbers toward the Mezzoloth, as the Farastu take off toward the dog-bug.
  Canoloth flickers out of the way of the ice spear to a position several feet away. The Chaos bolt however, hits it just after it reappears. If it had eyes, they'd surely be showing murderous rage now. A cloudkill spell appears around it, heading towards Heregul (and anyone else in the way). The yugoloth then leaps towards the 'leths, disembowling Assrash with its claws before the rest get a chance to do anything. (now basically prone to the other two, but not for long)
  A mezzoloth watches with evil delight as the attacking farastu falls down into the pit of larvae, but is drawn out of it's reveree by the shocking pain in it's chest brought on by Whisp's burn. Falling to the floor under Trinity's kick, it quickly leaps back to it's feet and rakes at her with the claws on it's left foot, while preparing itself to attack the forthcoming 'Leth.
  The gears of the machinery occupying the center of the room shift slightly, like a small sigh. But that would be silly to imagine, it's not alive...
  A harsh blood red light burns out from behind Trinity's shades
  Trinity twist two her right as the Mezzo leaps to its feet, but the lolth's left foot catches her left arm, creating a raking wound down her arm....
  Trinity seems not to notice however, and has already twisted to the Mezzo's side and swung Whisper at the back of its head before it has even lannded back on the ground from its leap back up....
  Noctos grumbles at his Ice Lance missing the yugoloth, and casts another spell. After performing the verbal and somatic components, a shifting black aura appears around the canoloth.
  Heregul waves his hands again. "Freeze," he states. Suddenly, a conjured bolt of bluish energy flies straight towards the canoloth.
  The cloudkill envelops Heregul within it after his spell flies from his hands. Choking and coughing, Heregul stumbles forward, out of cloud, but into the middle of the melee.
  Skimbleshanks takes a rather large chomp at the Mezzoloth's exposed arm.
  Assrash, still somewhat conscious, sees a rather tasty Canoloth belly above him and opens his mouth wide, intending to leave this plane with a full stomach.
  Jucieytoes and Pimplybutt much perfer leg to stomach, so that is what they try to eat on the Canoloth.
  Canoloth shudders as both spells hit him at once. They take a moment to work, as they fight over dominance, but eventually the black aura clears and a black sheep appears, free of a hold spell (no longer a monster). It looks angrily about, and eventually settles on Heregul, who it charges at, ready to headbutt. It runs over poor Assrash, but Juicytoes and Pimplybutt are hanging on firmly.
  A black sheep says, "Bah."
  A black sheep says, "Baa-rem-yoo."
  Assrash chomps on air, but thankfully the sheep is moving much slower than normal with two 200 lb Farastu eating its back legs.
  A mezzoloth gets hit hard in the back of the head by Trinity's whisper. Scales are scattered and black blood oozes out of the gaping wound. It lurches slightly, but maintains it's fix on the onrushing 'Leth... at the moment it opens it's mouth, it forces it's spear with all of it's might toward the back of it's throat.
  It looks like a dying effort, but with Loths, you can't quite tell...
  The spear dosen't penetrate Skim's throat, however, he does... swallow it. This is rather upsetting for anyone, thus he pauses in his rush to "digest" the situation.
  A black sheep rips out its tendons trying to headbutt Heregul, and falls to the ground, baa-ing frantically. The cries are silenced shortly thereafter by Juicytoes and Pimplybutt, who finish him off (both battle-wise and dinner-wise). However, as they feast, the floor drops out form under them, and the two 'leths and the sheep carcass fall into the writhing mass of larvae.
  Heregul stands up as the two fiends are disposed of, then eyes the machine carefully.
  Sadly, only Assrash is the remaining 'leth.
  Heregul mumbles a few words under his breath, the words of a "detect magic" spell - the results of which he's already fairly certain of.
  As the sheep disappears into the mass of writhing slimy forms, a loud 'whoomph!' shakes the chamber.
  In a brilliant white flash of light, the roar of flame fills the chamber as streaks of fire shoot down from the ceiling, roiling like living things across the floor. In mere moments, the entire chamber is filled with flame, the roaring fire accompanying the dying screams of the larvae beneath the floor grate.
  The only place not covered by flame is a semicircular area around the dull black machinery.. of coyurse, including the book.
  Assrash says, "!"
  Heregul eyes the Book carefully. He then gets an idea, "Assrash, why don't you get the book there?"
  Noctos begins to cast a spell, but falls to his knees under the heat of the flames, only to lose his balance and fall over into the same pit the gehreleth's did. In the nick of time, he grabs the edge of the gridwork
  Noctos is still hanging by one hand over the pit of dead larvae
  Skimbleshanks says, "Heregul! If you are sending one of my men to his...."
  Heregul is blasted backwards by the sheer power of the flames.
  Noctos's hand begins to blister and burn
  Heregul is enveloped by the flames, and quickly lets out a half-protected "resist fire" spell. As the flames burn his robes into cinders, Heregul falls to the floor with a scream. Moments afterward, he manages to bring himself to his feel, muttering arcane words; his wounds suddenly look less horrifying.
  Assrash grabs the book, beginning to throw.. and disappears with a small dwindling shriek, smoke rising from his form and being sucked in towards a small reddish gem nestled in the gears.
  The book falls a few inches from Assrash.
  Trinity plants Whisper firmly to the ground, using her staff as a brace for her kick, trying to land both feet in the center of the Mezzo's back, pushing it toward's Skim's open mouth and performing a backlflip to land a good distance behind the lolth
  A mezzoloth 's features twist horifically, to see the gehreleth do no more than eat his spear. Turning for a moment, it sees Trinity coming through the air at him with 2 rather heavy feet, attempting to knock him into the 'leth's mouth. It leeps up into the air with the added propultion of the explosion, leaving Trinity dead air between her and the Leth's mouth. Unfortunately, the loth comes down very hard into one of the pits...
  Larvae, writhing and bubbling in the heat, shriek and moan louder as the mezzoloth sinks down into the half-molten bodies..
  Heregul stumbles towards the grate, faced with the obvious choice to either save Noctos from falling in or allowing someone else to grab the Book. Eyeing the gehreleth suspiciously, he bends over, reaching his hand down to save Noctos. "Take my hand!", he shouts, attemping to simulataneously focus his thoughts and telekinetic energies on the Book of Keeping. Heregul does not meet with any real success in his second task.
  Noctos gasps "some help please..." Noctos sees Heregul's hand and reaches his other hand up, falling several inches short. Moments later his hand finally cannot take any more punishment and it slips off of the iron grating. Noctos falls into the pit screaming all the way down and lands with a sickening 'slurp' into the writhing pit of melting larvae.
  Heregul screams in terror as he sees Noctos fall down into the pit.
  Trinity quickly falls to the ground without any suport, landing just in front of Skim.
  Trinity then twists, eyeing the book, and in a blur has dashed over to it and grbed it from the ground.
  Heregul looks at Trinity, saying in a soothing voice, "Trinity, please give me the book. I must take it to a place where such an evil artifact can be destroyed - if it is allowed to remain free, then the entire multiverse is at risk."
  Gears begin grinding veeeeeery slowly, an oily substance dripping from between them and the begin to move. One of the attached mimirs begins to chant, again, very very slowly.
  Heregul points at the machine, "Bar that, we've got a bigger problem on our hands."
  A mimir chants, "Iiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnn.... aaaaaaaa......iiiiiiiii...keeeeeeeee..." and clicks as the machine stops moving.
  Skimbleshanks says, "Uh-oh. This is /not/ going to be good for my health."
  You say, "Gul, we should vacate this area"
  Heregul breathes a sigh of relief. "Trinity - please, give me the book. On the other side, we'll destroy the arch."
  Skimbleshanks says, "Give him the damn book all ready!"
  Heregul repeats, "Trinity, please give me the book."
  Trinity puts the book within her favorite pouch
  You say, "Lets go, you will roast eventually also"
  Heregul says, "I alone know how to open the portal back."
  Heregul repeats, "Give me the book, and the multiverse will be saved."
  Skimbleshanks says, "Will you give him the book so we can leave?!"
  Skimbleshanks smells like bacon.
  Heregul says, "I know the way out of this cavern. If you stay, you will fry. He will fry, too," he says, motioning to the shator.
  Trinity passes through an arc of electricity, which cause the wound on her left arm to seal itself up.... As she approaches Heregul he feels her aura sweep over him.... "First, we leave...."
  Heregul says, "No, we do not leave."
  Heregul says, "The book will be given to my custody now, and then I will open the portal back."
  Skimbleshanks shakes his head an goes over to examines the machine. He regurgitates the spear and sticks it into the gears.
  You say, "I can find another path, I don't don't hand out deadly books to those who hide tyheir appearences"
  The machine doesn't move, but the shaft of the spear begins to slowly dissolve. as if placed in acid.
  Heregul shrugs, "There is so much you do not understand. However, you must give me the book now. Elysium will protect it, now and forever. And, in case you didn't notice, there *is* no way out. You shall be sealed in here forever, and burn to a crisp shortly."
  Skimbleshanks says, "Why don't you just let me eat it?"
  Skimbleshanks says, "That way it will be destroyed forever."
  Heregul shakes his head, "Such an evil artifact cannot be destroyed so easily. Most likely, *it* would eat *you*."
  The fiery storm calms, flickers of flame skipping across the iron grating and the molten pool of former larvae.
  Skimbleshanks says, "Yeah whatever. Just give him the Book Trinity. We have two choices, 3 people die and a Yugoloth gets the book... or 3 people live and a Guardinal gets it."
  Heregul nods, "I think I like the second option better."
  Skimbleshanks says, "I have no love for Celestials, but it is better than dying and seeing a 'loth win."
  You say, "You two can perish, my master will eventually retrieve me...."
  Skimbleshanks says, "I say we eat her."
  Heregul smiles. "Of course. Your master. Skimbleshanks, we must retrieve the book. She would seek to slay us both."
  Trinity proceeds depper into the flames and arcs of electricity
  Heregul adds, "Leaving us to die down here, alone."
  Skimbleshanks says, "I know that by now Heregul..."
  Skimbleshanks releases a stinking cloud at Trinity.
  Suddenly, Heregul's hands begin to move again, and his mouth emits arcane words. He says, "Freeze, Trinity," and a blue ball of energy moves foward and engulfs Trinity within it.
  Trinity continues to walk deeper within the flames undaunted
  Skimbleshanks releases cloud just as trinity is struck by Heregul's spell.
  You say, "Not very considerate of you two...."
  Skimbleshanks says, "Not very considerate of you either."
  Heregul says in a louder voice, "Trinity, surrender the book to me now. I shall take it to Elysium, where it will be safely looked over and guarded from any sort of evil. If there is good in your heart, hear my words and know them to be true, for I would not lie to one who seeks goodness as well."
  Trinity sighs
  Trinity tosses the book in front of Gul
  Heregul nods, as he picks the large Book up. "Thank you. You have done the right thing."
  Heregul moves over to the wall, and scoops a handful of mold up.
  Heregul moves over to the archway, and places the mold inside it. The portal flares open.
  Skimbleshanks isn't so sure about Gul's statement.
These events occured on 6-25-99.

 Chaos Soup: Meeting Area

    The stairs behind the door lead to the basement of the Chaos Soup, where is placed the meeting room. In the middle is a large, metalic table, where candles lights the room, dimly. A dozen of chairs, made of the same metal as the table, surrounds the room. On a far corner is a small shrine, with the symbol of the Abyss curved in the ground.
  Trinity looks around
  the chain wraps around the skeleton's neck
  Tyrone smile to Trinity
  Thanurel says, "Greetings Trinity"
  Mia is dancing around a skeleton
  Thanurel says, "I have a proposition for you"
  Tyrone nods
  Trinity sighs
  Mia pulls the chain, hoping it can breaks the neck
  You say, "I hope I amn not intruding"
  Tyrone says, "what is it girl?"
  the chain easily snaps the skeleton's fragile spine popping the head off
  the skeleton continues to shamble towards the dancing girl
  Mia takes a final dancing pose, smiling at Trin
  Mia looks surprised by the body, still alive
  Mia uses her surprise in her dance, making more strident movements
  Thanurel says, "I am mounting a rescue to retrieve Noctos"
  Tyrone says, "your technique is good, but it needs to be a little bit more fierce... I'll teach you that..."
  Thanurel says, "Neven has captured him and has brought him to his new stronghold in the Grey Waste"
  You say, "I thought he perished Thanurel"
  Thanurel says, "My divinations have shown me otherwise. He is most likely severely injured, however"
  Thanurel says, "likely the larvae insulated him from the flames enough to preserve his life"
  Mia dances around the skeleton again, her chain between her and it.
  the headless skeleton performs a powerful strike at Mia's head
  Mia ducks, but not quickly enough to dodge it fully, and gets hit on the top of her head
  the flaming black vortex emits a small shower of purple sparks, which land on the skeleton
  You say, "I am glad to hear that, on a side note, when did you wish to begin my apprentiship..."
  Thanurel says, "Whenever you wish."
  Mia frowns at the skeleton
  Tyrone says, "apprenticeship?"
  Tyrone looks at Trin
  Tyrone says, "you taking up magic?"
  Thanurel says, "Yes. She wishes to learn the ways of magic"
  Mia dances in circle quickly, then crouch, sweeping her legs at the skeleton's legs, in a fluid movement.
  Mia's leg trips the skeleton, which sprawls out of the table in front of Thanurel
  Thanurel says, "enough"
  Mia's dance stops in an angry final pose
  You say, "Of necromancy in particular, seeing my obvious connection to such"
  Thanurel waves his hand and the skeleton disappears in a burst of black flame, just as it appeared
  Thanurel says, "come here Mia"
  Mia steps up and puts her chain back in her sleeve
  Tyrone nods to Trinity
  Mia puts a hand behind her head and comes near Than
  Mia winks at Trin
  Thanurel places his hand upon Mia's head and mumbles a few soothing words. His hand begins to glow, and his Ankh flares brightly. Mia's head is now free of any wounds
  Mia turns to Trin
  You say, "Training are we..."
  Mia says, "You're trying to learn Necromancy?"
  Mia frowns slightly
  Mia nods at Trin
  Mia smiles at Tyrone
  Mia says, "Did I do good?"
  Tyrone says, "good, yes."
  Tyrone says, "it is quick and confusing, but not strong... I,ll need to teach you to swing better"
  You say, "Different approah...."
  Mia says, "It's more to defend..."
  Tyrone says, "a good offense is the best defense"
  Mia says, "I usualy take the oponent's weapon off, or throw the foe down..."
  Trinity grins, "Speed is always better then strength though, it can be used both to aid in attack and defense, where as strength is only applicable to the former....
  Tyrone says, "that's a good thing to do..."
  Tyrone says, "ever heard of a strong guy repelling an attack? it can throw you back down on the floor in a blink"
  Thanurel says, "You fought well"
  Mia smiles
  Mia says, "Than?"
  Thanurel says, "Yes?"
  Mia says, "I thought I was not young enough to learn magic... Why Trin then?"
  Mia says, "She's even older then me!"
  Tyrone says, "she has.... time"
  Mia says, "Oh..."
  Thanurel says, "Trinity is special, she has a special nature which predisposes her to magic"
  Mia says, "When you healed my head, was that necromancy?"
  Mia says, "I know..."
  Mia winks at Trin
  Thanurel says, "it was, yes"
  Mia says, "I want to do that!"
  You say, "Yes it was Mia, I just wish he would of alowd me to perform that task for you"
  Mia says, "That's what I want to do!"
  Thanurel says, "that was the power of Osiris that healed you"
  Mia says, "I'm only good at defending..."
  Mia says, "I could hea too!"
  Thanurel says, "He is one of many gods of death and the dead."
  Tyrone says, "well, it looks like the whole party is here... might as well get that apprentice before he kicks the bucket..."
  Mia looks at Tyrone
  Mia says, "Anyways..."
  Tyrone says, "what is it dear?"
  Thanurel says, "If you wish to have more information about him I could tell you more."
  Mia smiles
  Thanurel stands up
  Mia smiles
  Thanurel kneels in the corner of the room
  Tyrone gets up too
  Thanurel begins to pray
  Mia looks at Than
  Thanurel 's Ankh begins to glow brighter
  Thanurel 's Ankh returns to normal
  Thanurel stands
  Thanurel says, "Neven is here in Sigil."
  Tyrone says, "Osiris with ya?"
  Thanurel says, "Osiris is always with me, I am one of his favored. He is not as fickle as an Abyssal Lord.."
  Tyrone says, "Graz'zt is always present with me I,ll have you know..."
  Mia turns to Dare
  Mia says, "Hey Dare!"
  Tyrone waves to Dare
  Mia says, "How are you!"
  Tyrone says, "hello Dare"
  Thanurel says, "greetings dare."
  Mia bends and kiss Dare's cheek
  Tyrone smiles
  Dare nods and waves. "Hello everyone. I am all right, thank you... How fare you all?
  Tyrone says, "not too shabby!"
  Mia says, "Very well... We're about to leave for the Waste..."
  Mia says, "Want to come along?"
  Dare says, "The Waste? Horrid place. What are you going there for?"
  Mia says, "To save Than's apprentice"
  Thanurel takes a shiny black stone out of his robes
  Thanurel says, "The Nullstone."
  Mia looks at the stone
  Mia says, "Wow!"
  Mia says, "That's nice!"
  Mia gets near Than and stares at the stone
  Thanurel says, "This is a teleport inhibitor. It will prevent Neven from teleporting away as he usually does"
  Mia says, "Can I take it?"
  Tyrone says, "good... pesky teleporting fiends..."
  Mia smiles at Than
  Thanurel says, "yes, you may"
  Mia smiles, "Thanks Than!"
  Mia retrieves the floating Nullstone
  Tyrone says, "we find that sod now?"
  Tyrone looks impatient
  You say, "No time like the present"
  Tyrone says, "I can't wait to trash something"
  You say, "Be warned, whatever Neven is he is powerfull"
  Tyrone says, "a 'loth... that's what I heard"
  Mia says, "Where's the portal?"
  Mia gets near Trin and takes her hand
  Mia says, "Well..."
  Mia says, "Where to now?"
  Tyrone says, "yeah..."
  Mia turns to Than, "Where to now?"
  You say, "Too bad we don't face Baatezu...."
  Tyrone says, "could you wait a sec, I,m gonna get some stuff in my room..."
  You say, "I will return briefly"

Tyrone and Trinity then depart for a short while to gather supplies and ready themselves. In the meantime, Godofred joins the others, and agrees to acompany them

  Thanurel says, "I believe I may even be hard pressed against him..."
  Godofred scratches his chin
  Tyrone says, "we can go"
  Thanurel says, "Indeed."
  You say, "Is Godofred accompanying us..."
  Tyrone's backpack seems full
  Tyrone nods to Godo
  Thanurel says, "I know of the location to a portal"
  Thanurel says, "It is by the Great Foundry"
  Thanurel says, "I will have to divine the key when I arrive"
  Mia says, "Great"
  Tyrone says, "then let's do it..."
  Godofred looks at his back pack
  Thanurel says, "yes."
  Thanurel says, "Is everyone ready?"
  Godofred says, "I have everything I need right in here"
  Mia smiles and nods
  Godofred says, "Yeah!!!!"
  Tyrone salutes and stands ready for further orders
  Thanurel says, "I wish to negotiate with Neven first, if that fails then we take Noctos by force"
  Mia mimics Tyrone, smiling
  Thanurel says, "We meet at the entrance to the works, near the great Foundry"
  Thanurel says, "Let us go"
  Mia says, "Alright, always talk before hiting"
  Tyrone says, "yes, sir"
  Mia takes Trin's hand
  Godofred says, "arent you going?"
  Trinity squezzes Mia's hand gently, then proceeds to the door

The group obviously makes there way to the Great Foundry and through the portal, where they come face to face with Neven....

 The Grey Waste: Neven's Laboratory(#395RLXF)

    A thin layer of slime covers the floor of this grey-walled stone chamber. Near the center of the room are a number of stone slabs with various arcane devices and apparatus hanging from a rack on the wall. In a large alcove near the back of the room sits a monsterously huge device with wires dangling, gears, mimirs, and other esoteric items attached to it in odd ways. Upon one of the slabs is strapped a gibbering farastu ghereleth, ichor from a slit in its side dripping into a vial set beside the stone slab.
  Thanurel motions for everyone to stay back as he speaks to Neven
  Neven stands up straight, narrowing his eyes. "Indeed. And I assume you're this pathetic creature's master?"
  Thanurel says, "Indeed. I am Thanurel."
  Thanurel looks to his apprentice, Noctos
  Noctos says, "Master Thanurel..."
  Godofred says, "Hey"
  Noctos says, "Forgive me... ugh..."
  Thanurel says, "release my apprentice"
  Neven snaps, "I hope you plan to recompense me for the actions of your apprentice. It has been.. cossssstly."
  Thanurel says, "How costly, exactly?"
  Mia stays close to Trin, still holdings her hand
  Trinity approaches more closely to Than
  Mia looks at the slime
  Noctos coughs up some blood
  Godofred studies the room
  Neven says, "The loss of a prized posession, not to mention thousands of larvae.. I am sure you can understand my.. disappointment at returning to my abode."
  Thanurel says, "Indeed. I understand your situation"
  Thanurel says, "But you must understand mine as well"
  Godofred moves near Trinity
  Thanurel says, "I have spent many years training this apprentice"
  You say, "See what occurs when you make deals with ursinal...."
  Godofred looks at Mia
  Thanurel says, "What is the monetary value to this loss of yours"
  Godofred says, "Dont worry"
  Neven nearly snarls, "And I spent millenia preparing for my plans. I want something in return. Perhaps I can return your apprentice in a few decades? I assure you.. he'll still be alive," he smirks, gripping the edge of one of the stone slabs, crumbling the granite.
  Mia smiles at Godo, "I'm not worried, I'm not scared at all..."
  You say, "It was not Noctos's doing, it was Heregul whom is responsible, you should take it up with him...."
  Thanurel says, "Though a few decades seem like days to us, my apprentice will be useless to me. He will be too old to continue his training"
  Godofred says, "Me neither"
  Tyrone looks at the situation calmly, unlike his usual
  Godofred smiles
  Neven smiles thinly, humorlessly at Trinity, ignoring Thanurel for a moment. "I plan on it. Where did he take my book, mortal?"
  Mia frowns at Neven
  Noctos tugs weakly at his chains
  Godofred feels his dagger, looks at Neven and grins
  Mia puts her hands in her sleeves and walks around, slowly
  Dare just watches.
  Trinity grins, "How would I know what an ursinal plans...."
  Tyrone is still standing in his army-like fashion
  Noctos says, "Trinity, how... nice of... ugh.. you to come"
  Godofred looks at Noctos
  Mia walks toward Noctos, tilting her head
  Godofred says, "Hey kid just be calm, OK?"
  Trinity looks Noctos up and down, "May I assist him..."
  Neven rolls his eyes, and turns back to Thanurel. "I'll take that one," he points at Trinity. "At least she appears to know more about the situation." Snapping at the other approaching Noctos, "Leave him!"
  Noctos turns to Neven
  Noctos says, "See, I told... you we would *cough* come..."
  Mia stops and turns to Neven
  Mia says, "You won't take Trin..."
  You say, "Mia, it is all right"
  Mia turns to Trin
  You say, "I put Noctos into this situation anyways"
  Godofred says, "Trinity!"
  Thanurel says, "I shall give you the monetary value of your loss"
  Thanurel says, "But you may not keep my apprentice."
  Mia walks toward Trin
  Godofred follows Mia
  Tyrone says, "I'm ready to stay in his place..."
  Mia stands between Trin and Neven
  Thanurel says, "Trinity is not mine to give."
  Tyrone takes a step foward
  You say, "I will stay"
  Neven smirks. "Money does not begin to cover it. But if this one is willing to.. stay for a small vacation, I believe I could allow your little apprentice to go."
  Tyrone says, "no, I will trin"
  Mia shakes her head, "No you won't..."
  Tyrone says, "... trust me..."
  Thanurel turns to Tyrone
  Mia says, "Neither of you will stay"
  Tyrone grins
  Thanurel says, "None will stay."
  Tyrone says, "yes... let me..."
  Mia grins at Than
  Godofred looks at Mia and Than
  Thanurel says, "This is not your affair, I will not permit you to sacrifice yourself for my apprentice."
  Thanurel turns to Noctos
  Neven waits, watching the whole situation with slitted green eyes.
  Tyrone says, "sacrifice?"
  Thanurel says, "Your wounds need attention."
  Thanurel says, "you have been tortured, obviously."
  Godofred says, "No one is staying!"
  Tyrone says, "who said I'd sacrifice myself? I alwatys came back from the waste, this won't be the first time"
  Neven cautions Thanurel, "You will not touch him until we have an agreement."
  Tyrone says, "I just ask you for some blind faith..."
  Thanurel says, "I realise that."
  Thanurel says, "Tyrone, Neven could tear us limb from limb if he so chose."
  Godofred garbs Lucky charm in his left hand
  Tyrone is still looking soldier like
  Tyrone says, "I know, that's why I stay"
  Thanurel says, "A small group such as us could never defeat him."
  Tyrone says, "I do not intend on defeating him"
  Thanurel turns back to Neven
  Neven smiles condesendingly. "Anyone who wishes to.. stay, I assure you, will not be killed."
  Thanurel says, "I cannot give any of my companions as they are not mine to give."
  Tyrone says, "I choose to stay in the place of Noctos..."
  Thanurel says, "If you wish, I can offer you my services for a short while"
  Tyrone says, "release Noctos to Thanurel and take me"
  Mia gets near Tyrone
  Mia says, "No..."
  Neven eyes Tyrone. "I would prefer the other," he points at Trinity.
  A harsh blood red light burns out from behind Trinity's shades
  Trinity projects an aura of terror like you have never felt from her.... Even those resistant can't help feeling an almost tangible wave wash over them, "Leave now, take Noctos, and that is the end of it, no more discusion...."
  You say, "ENOUGH!"
  You say, "Leave now and take Noctos!"
  Thanurel says, "Trinity, you cannot hope to defeat him alone. I will not trade one life for another."
  Mia puts her hand on Trin's arm, with a scared look
  Tyrone looks at Trin, backing up a bit
  You say, "I said go!"
  Neven gestures with a hand, and Noctos' chains disintigrate with an odd 'clonk'. "Take him. I have what I want."
  Mia says, "Trin..."
  Noctos falls to the ground
  Mia says, "I'm scared..."
  Mia says, "Stop it..."
  Godofred goes to help Noctos
  Tyrone takes Noctos
  Trinity turns to Mia, "I am always with you mon amour...."
  Thanurel says, "I will hold you if I must Trinity."
  Godofred grabs Mia
  Mia takes a hold of Trin's arm
  You say, "Please leave this place with the others"
  Godofred says, "Lets go we must leave"
  Noctos stumbles to his feet with Tyrone's help
  Godofred pulls Mia away from Trinity
  Mia backs up, hesitantly
  Tyrone says, "Trin must know what she's doing, let's go..."
  Godofred says, "Lets go"
  Mia says, "I... love you..."
  Godofred looks at Trinity
  Thanurel says, "Those that wish to leave may go, I hold nobody here against their will."
  You say, "I love you also Mia"
  A tear is runs down Godofred's cheek
  Tyrone says, "I wish to stay my old friend..."
  Mia says, "Me too"
  Tyrone says, "I will not desert you now"
  Godofred says, "Bye Trin, see ya Later"
  Mia clenches her fist around her ring
  You say, "Tyrone, you owe me one, leave"
  Tyrone says, "but..."
  Noctos says, "Ugh.. Trinity.."
  Godofred says, "Mia, lets go"
  Trinity looks upon Tyr emotionlessly
  Noctos coughs up more blood
  Mia backs up
  Thanurel walks over to Noctos
  Tyrone says, "sod it! I hate having debts, especially in times like these"
  Thanurel lays his hand on him
  Mia offers a hand to Tyrone
  Tyrone takes the kid's hand
  Thanurel mumbles the arcane words of a spell, and his ankh flares brightly
  Noctos's wounds begin to heal
  Godofred grabs Mia hand
  Mia holds it hard and heads for the portal
  A bright flash of light, and a portal shimmers, as it opens.
  Trinity glances upon Noctos, "Be well, and thank you for your assistance"
  Tyrone says, "we're even now Trin"
  Tyrone then passes through the portal with Mia and Godofred, Dare quickly following them.
  Neven smirks. "How sweet and sentimental. Now depart my laboratory. Now."
  Neven waves his hand. "Thanurel. You have what you want, and I have what I want. I think this was a thouroughly.. useful meeting. I look forward to seeing you in the future."
  Thanurel says, "I will not forget you, Neven."
  Thanurel says, "My memory, as is yours, is eternal."
  Neven bows slightly with a smile. "Precisely."
  Thanurel grabs Noctos
  Thanurel walks through the portal, and it shimmers and closes behind him
  Trinity turns to Neven
  Neven smiles at Trinity, seating himself upon one of the slabs. "So.. pleased to meet you. And what is your name exactly?"
  You say, "I thought you had an eternal memory.... Neven.... I am known as Trinity...."
  You say, "We met in the pit in Sigil...."
  Neven chuckles. "It is considered polite to do that sort of thing, is it not? Ah well. Perhaps we will just cut to business then. You know what I want. Tell me."
  You say, "As for the book, Gul first claimed to want to destroy it, and started babbling on and on about taking it to Elysium...."
  Neven sneers. "Oh, of course he would, cursed celestial."
  You say, "I think he has other plans with it however, or, at least, other celestials...."
  Neven eyes Trinity carefully. "And now.. why did /you/ of all people aid him?"
  You say, "I wished to keep such knowledge out of all peoples hands...."
  You say, "If you have it, or even a celestial had that book, the balance is at great risk...."
  Neven chuckles. "Even mine? After all, it is a book about my kind, and I would prefer to have it kept safely where nobody could touch it, summon any of us."
  Trinity looks to the chained Farastu, "May I..."
  You say, "My apologizes if I do not exactely trust you, but I doubt Gul lied to me about your plans"
  Neven tilts his head, glancing back at the farastu momentarily. "May you..?"
  You say, "Though, they aren't as bad as he made them out to be...."
  You say, "May I sample upon his blood..."
  Neven gestures vaguely. "By all means. I seem to have an excess of it..." he trails off. "Heregul decided to tell you what his crazed mind thinks I have planned, hmm? Truly delusional, I say."
  Trinity leaps to the platform where the Farstu is chained, landing just in front of it....
  Trinity then sinks her fangs into his throat, saving the blood dripping down her throat and a liitle down her chin....
  When finished draining the farastu, Trinity perform a backflip, landing a brief distance from Neven, before taking a seat next to him, "Thank you...."
  You say, "It is not true then that you wished to use the book to reshape all of lolthdom in you image...."
  Trinity licks a little blood from her lips, "Celestial blood is much better...."
  Neven raises his eyebrows. "Interesting," he remarks. "Hardly so. I merely wish to prevent my kind from being.. dragged from our various projects. I'm sure you understand how distracting it can be to be pulled around and ordered by some inferior creature.. quite an annoyance."
  You say, "I agree, but how do I know you are not lying, you loths are rather addept at that, and it appeared the book was located with some type of weapon"
  Neven points back at the alcove at the far end of the room. "That device? Merely a.. protective item. I had hoped that Heregul would be the first to touch the book," he sighs, "but alas, soul traps aren't that picky, and snagged a useless ghereleth."
  Trinity grins
  You say, "That would of been amusing to see...."
  You say, "So you used the book as bait for Gul, why is that, he is rather insignificant if you ask me..."
  Neven smiles thinly again, eyes glittering. "Oh, it would have, it would have been amusing. I am eagerly waiting the day when I can receive Heregul and make it known to him my.. full feelings. He has been a thorn in my side for too long."
  You say, "What do you think he wants with the book, there is much to him he hides...."
  Neven shrugs. "It is plainly obvious. I have a request for you, however. Are you aware of Heregul's little pet, Shikina?"
  You say, "Yes, that anoying little wench which tried to smite me one night...."
  Neven laughs, "Yes, that sounds like her. Do you think you could capture her and bring her here? I would like to speak with her as well."
  You say, "She is rather.... energetic.... I would have to catch her alone...."
  You say, "What do I get out of this deal..."
  Neven smiles. "She is not as good as she thinks. And with some modification.. her hate would make her an admirable tanar'ri. I shall tell you what. Depart, and scout around to find her. And you return back here in a week. And in return.." he continues with a smile, "I will not track you down and break every bone in your body or peel the skin from your ragged flesh. Do we have a deal?"
  Trinity sighs, "How typical, alot of good that will do you...."
  You say, "You obviously have more magical might then you will ever need or use...."
  Neven says, "My dear.. my plans span further than you think. And magic is less useful than you would think as well."
  You say, "Then you should not mind parting with a small bit, no..."
  Neven chortles. "What is it that you want, then?"
  You say, "I am starting a small weapons collection, can you part with anything usefull against celestial..."
  Neven shrugs. "I find weapons to be rather.. crude, unlike some of my brethren. However, when you return, I am sure I will have something/ useful for you in /your/ plans. Are you satisfied with the agreement then now?"
  You say, "Yes, very much, I will be off now"
These events occured on 6-30-99.

In this scene, Trinity has recruited Tyrone to her cause and hunted Shikina down, to capture her for Neven....

 The Leather Tiefling

  Loud music assaults your ears from a band playing on the stage at the far end of the building. As you look around you see the place is dimly lit by torches that line every wall. To your right is a 10 foot deep sand fightning pit. To your left you see a large, burly ogre standing guard at a door which seems to lead upstairs. A sign above the door reads "5 GP/hour". Against the far wall you spy the bar, with it's many patrons seated on it's stools. Behind the bar stands a scrawny tiefling with a long grey beard and a stained white shirt - obviously the bartender.
  Trinity looks around
  Tyrone looks at Trinity
  Shikina apparently seems to be picking a fight with a very inebriated cambion. "You shall die, and your corpse shall be scattered to the winds of Elysium, burned out by the forces of purest goodness!", she shouts towards the obviously uncaring cambion, who lets out a burp. Shikina's hand grasps around the hilt of her sword.
  Trinity scans the scence as she enters
  Tyrone grins
  Tyrone says, "that's a cambion for ya...."
  Trinity grins
  Tyrone taps Trinity's leg
  Tyrone points to Shikina
  Trinity glances at Tyr
  Trinity then nods
  Tyrone nods and advances toward Shikina
  Shikina growls, looking at the new entries. "What is your business here?", she demands, her sword flashing in the firelight.
  Trinity follows tow Tyrone's right side and slightly to the rear
  Tyrone says, "Hey, put that sodding thing away"
  You say, "Friendly tonight isn't she...."
  Tyrone says, "as usual"
  Tyrone grins
  Shikina growls. "Back off, tanar'ri concubine!", she shouts at Trinity. She then looks at the dwarf. "And you, tanar'ri-lover, dirty lecher of a dwarf, keep your distance unless you wish me to burst your gut and cause all your foul deeds to spill across the floor!"
  Trinity smiles wickedly, joyfully showing all who care to look her fangs, and yet, her smile seems warm and comforting.....
  Tyrone says, "hey you Pawn, bar that... unless you want me to keep your head as a trophy..."
  Shikina points her sword towards Tyrone menacingly.
  Trinity grins
  Rhain shuffles in off of the street, lightning flashing through the open door
  Tyrone pushes the sword away saying "If you wanna fight, come into the pit with me... you'll get the nicest licking ever"
  Tyrone grins evily
  Rhain looks around, seeing the stirrings of a mellee
  Shikina mutters a few arcane words, and suddenly a magical black of darkness flies from her left fingers towards Tyrone's eyes. Suddenly, a huge veil of darkness extends from him, enveloping Tyrone, Trinity, and Shikina within it.
  Tyrone says, "Dammit! Darkness... well, it'll be just like home for once..."
  You hear the sound of a Blade unsheathing...
  You whisper, "Remember, intact" to Tyrone.
  Rhain peers through the dark atmosphere of the bar, seeing his friends and a gaurdian of his homeland squared off....torn, he moves to stand behind his friends
  Once the Cambion has fled from his seat, Trinity quickly and quietly moves through the darkness, grabs the chair, and attempts it smash it up side the back of Shikina's head, then bosts herself up onto the table, moving away from but remaining facing the lupinal
  Rhain, obviously torn walks back out into the grimy streets of Sigil
  Surprised by the sudden darkness, Tyrone quickly lunges towards where he last saw Shakina, trying to avoid her sword and slam his elbow into her gut
  Her keen ears compensating for her lack of vision in the darkness, Shikina can hear her two aggressors coming at her from both sides and quickly rolls to the ground. She takes a minor kick in the gut from Tyrone (though it's obvious he was aiming with his elbow instead), but manages to pull herself away from the core of the melee. Standing up from the minor blow, she begins to speak the words of magic through the eerie darkness. "Feel the taste of goodness, foul dwarf! It is a meal and lesson best repeated for you, apparently!" Suddenly, a huge swath of cold air is emitted from Shikina's breath towards the center of the circle.
  As shakina mutters the magical incantation Trinity efortlessly and advances upon Shakina, and as the burst of cold is released Trinity has already swung, trying to slam her fist into Shakina's jaw
  The Cone of Cold flies forth toward Tyrone. The sound of magic and the feeling of the cold chills Tyrone to the bone as he leaps to his left, barely missing a table as he jumps, trying to get away from the coldness. His left leg is struck by the cold ray and freezes up in a second, but thaws easily because it hasn't stayed long enough in the deep freezing temperature. Tyrone rolls over under the table and tries to get up, banging his head under it...
  Shikina is standing on the edge of the radius of darkness, staring purposefully inwards.
  Shikina looks amazed at Trinity's monumental leap, and is hit by her punch full-on. She falls back, her hand on her sword and her lip covered with golden blood. She growls. "You will pay for this, concubine," and raises herself to her feet.
  Shikina moves towards Trinity purposefully, sword pointed towards Trinity with her right hand. "Whatever Abyssal Lord sent thee to slay my living example of goodness, know that he too shall die on my blade." Suddenly, she leaps extremely quickly - quicker than you've ever seen anything move before—towards Trinity's shoulder, her canines showing and her mouth wide open, attempting to grab Trinity and pull her to the ground with her teeth alone.
  Thanurel sits in his usual chair near the pit
  Thanurel orders a drink
  Trinity realizes that she won't be able to avoid the attack in time at such a close distance, and with speed surprisingly mimicing Shikina's Trinity attempts to embrace th lupinal as she leaps at her, falling backwards and trying to use to use the both of their momentum to flip Shikina over her, just falling under the sharp, wolf-like canines....
  Trinity then rolls backwards once Shikina has passed over her, quickly regaining her feet and twisting to face the lupinal
  Tyrone takes the table in hand and puts it on his shoulder holding it with his other free hand and starts charging with it toward the place where Shikina's voice was last heard. The darkness surrounding tyrone advances, engulfing everything (you don't see me taking the table, only that the darkness is coming)
  Thanurel takes a book out from under his robes
  Edgar enters, looking bleak and dark, as usual
  Thanurel places the tome on the table and begins to read, ignoring the battle
  Shikina hits the floor with an unexpected thump. Suddenly, she twists herself over, and quickly make a sudden and strong grab at Trinity's feet with her two legs.
  Thanurel begins sipping his drink while reading a book
  Edgar looks in the pit
  The scrawny tiefling bartender with the stained white shirt and long grey beard reaches under the counter
  Edgar looks at the fight
  The bartender produces a wicked looking spiked club
  The bartender easily hops over the bar and walks over in the general direction of the fight
  "Take it to the Pit or yer outta here."
  Tyrone runs straight into the wall with a satifying thud, a darkness enveloping both the lupinal and the tiefling as he falls to the ground, surprised that his charge has missed.   The bartender taps the club against his other hand
  "To the pit. Now!"
  Trinity instanlty falls to her knees as Shikina grabs her ankles, aiming them for the lupinal's abdomen, in addition, Trinity tries to use her momentum and lightning reflexes to slam her fist into Shikina's throat as she descends upon her within the darkness
  "Are you berks deaf or something? Either take you damned fight into the Pit or you get kicked outta here, got that? This is your last warning."
  Edgar gets near the bartender, slowly
  Edgar takes out a pouch, "You'll let this one pass..."
  The bartender looks into the pouch
  "We built the pit for this kinda thing."
  Edgar says, "I'm sure, but just for this one, for Chaos' sake..."
  "This won't cover the losses if you end up scaring away paying customers."
  Edgar says, "They like this, actually..."
  Thanurel continues reading and sipping his drink
  Edgar looks around
  Tyrone says, "We are the paying customers"
  The bartender takes the pouch and walks back to the bar
  "Just don't break too many tables or chairs."
  Shikina tenses up as Trinity lands on her, knocking the wind out of her lungs (if she actually breathes). Suddenly, she says a few words, and her form becomes misty and as if it's not completely there.
  Se'ele walks in
  Tyrone is the center of the darkness...
  Thanurel is reading a book while sipping his drink at a table next to the pit
  Trinity raises once again to her feet, and slowly backs away from the non insubstantial lupinal, though she still remains within the darkness
  Se'ele watches the fight.....
  Se'ele goes and sits next to Thanurel.
  Edgar puts two fingers on his left hand up, and then his right fist against it and mutters some words...
  Thanurel looks up from his book
  Se'ele says, "Hi Thanurel!"
  Thanurel says, "Greetings."
  Se'ele says, "Why are they fighting?"
  Shikina stands up, shaking the failed magical spell off of her. Misty words suddenly are prounced out of the darkness carefully. "Your sins of unwarranted violence shall condemn you more than my airy blade ever could—or ever shall. Remember me, when you are miserable manes in the Abyss—remember me, if your minds are not beyond the capacity of retention." With that, those outside the circle can see an misty-figured lupinal stalk purposefully out the door, away from the circle of black.
  Thanurel says, "I do not know"
  Tyrone stumbles around, trying to reach a seat and sit there until the darkness fades away
  Thanurel says, "come Here Tyrone"
  Edgar curses his luck
  You say, "I have other business"
  Edgar follows Trin
  Edgar stays dark and silents, following Trinity

 Hive Ward: The Sinner's Crawl

    The Sinner's Crawl is a rock and razorvine strewn path, walked by many a lost bubber to their grave in Adnan's Maze. The Crawl is a narrow alley with but a burning drum to light the way into the darkness beyond, and the few beggars and residents that live or walk the street daily radiate pure malevolance.
  Trinity blinks at seeing Neven
  Neven stands talking to apparently thin air from the distance. "Ah, why so? You seemed quite.. interested last we talked?"
  Edgar puts his hands under his coat.
  Tyrone raises an eyebrow
  Tyrone says, "Finally came and took the matter in hand..."
  A spitting sound can be heard from where Shikina stands (or so you imagine that she might stand). "You are the blackest of the black, the darkest scum that can be imagined. One of the molds that Heregul scraped off your destroyed lab. I will not waste my time with you."
  Edgar goes stands behind Shikina, looking through her at Neven
  Tyrone whispers, "I,ll let them fight, I,m tired... my body hurts... I,ve been running around too much lately..."
  Trinity heads towards the Soup
  Tyrone goes home.
  Edgar sees that Trin is going and follows her
  Neven's shape seems to shimmer, his grey robes drifting in a nonexistant wind. "I am.. deeply insulted. So deeply insulted, Shikina. Why do you not like me?" he calls querilously towards he faint form.
  Jast Iristom wanders out of the leather tiefling and down the street...
  The voice can be heard, "You are dark. You are evil. I do not trust you," she says in the general direction of Neven. "You waste my time. This conversation shall end unless you fall to your knees and allow me to lop your inconsequential head off."
  Jast Iristom pulls back his hood and listens
  Neven laughs ominously, advancing on the wraithlike guardinal. "I think not. This is where it ends for 'Shikina'. Producing a red gemstone from thin air, he intones a few arcane words as the gem begins to glow.
  Jast Iristom steps towards Neven and says, "Leave this place."
  Shikina looks a bit unsure as the gem appears and Neven speaks her name carefully. "No!", she shouts, her solid body appearing. Quickly she draws her sword and lunges straight for Neven's chest, intending to drive the blade straight through him in her final moments.
  Jast Iristom turns into a blinding ball of light, nearly 20 feet in diameter.
  Neven, sparing a quick glance at the interfering Jast, fails to move quickly enough, Shikina's sword piercing the grey robes. Uttering a harsh cry as the sword sticks, Neven clamps his grasp firmly around the gem as it flashes a brilliant red-gold for a brief moment.
  It is too late. In a puff of reddish smoke, Shikina suddenly becomes a wisp of blood-colored vapor and is drawn inside the gem with in a piercing howl. There is the distinct sound of her voice lamenting in her last moments, "Heregul...", and then there is nothing.
  Jast Iristom changes back, Then draws his sword of light and charges towards Neven.
  Jast Iristom drops his cloak
  Neven, wincing, shudders and withdraws the sword from his side, clutching the red gem firmly in the other hand. His illusory shape fades, a flash of a tall, grey, opal-eyed being appearing before he disppears in a burst of red sparks (only moments before the glowing sword slices down towards him.)