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Welcome, I am certain Mielikki appreciates your visit...

     This is my pet carnivorous plant, watch out, she bites....
     I came across her while traveling a dismal swamp of a prime. The prime itself was rather peculiar, where warriors hunted game with shurikens and druids wielded crossbows and summoned a myriad of beasts. At any rate, Mielikki was rather small back then, and was a bit hungry. Now, most bodies get carnivorous plants all wrong, they don't eat humanoids in particular for the sheer joy of it, it is just they are not cannibalistic, and refuse to consume any form of plant. Granted, they still receive nutrients from the soil and water, but this particular breed is less dependent upon the sun and so requires other forms of sustenance. They are not too horribly picky, considering the difficulty in moving about, they will consume most any creature they can reach.
     Now, as I said, Mielikki was a bit hungry, so I decided I'd help her out. I set up camp nearby and opened up two rations, giving her my dried meats and I consumed the rest. Activating a ring I recently acquired from a druid (he didn't need it anymore), I was able to converse with her a bit before I nodded off. Over the years I stopped in time and again to visit her. But as the years went by things stated becoming more and more difficult for her. Prey was becoming more scarce, humans started hunting the carnivorous plants or even summoned them to fight for them in combat. What was worse was the swamp was actually receding and growing smaller.
     Finally, I managed to obtain a device that could teleport me and her off of the prime. Mielikki was able to uproot herself and move about, but only at a crawl and she could only do so for limited periods, and is only able to root herself back into soft, moist soil. With the arcane device I relocated both of us to the Beastlands, a marsh in Brux. Accompanied by a bit of luck, I was able to select a location near one of the exit portals from the Evergold Portal.
     This all occurred several years past, but due to the convenient portal, I am able to drop by and visit her time and again. She is a big girl now, and quite capable of taking care of herself, but it is still nice to stop by and bring lunch for the two of us...

     A Tribute to the Name: Okay cutters, as you may of noticed I named my good friend here after a power of nature, well, I liked the name, so if you have a better one, send it to me and chances are I'll rename her. However, the few that have commented noted Mielikki as a Torilian deity, here's a bit of dark for everyone.... Like a handful of other powers from the Realms, Mielikki is also worshiped upon other primes, both her and Loviatar belong to the Finnish pantheon, while the god Tyr is also of the Norse mythology. While it is not know where these deities originally where worshiped, it does not need to be said that these seemingly different priesthoods may work in conjunction with each other across the planes, or maybe squabble as to which is the 'true' religion. At any rate, these are not powers to trifle with, as often as not they will trifle back....