"Dragons... are known and feared for their size, physical prowess, and magical abilities. The oldest dragons are among the most powerful creatures in the world."

    Names are an important part of any game. They can make cultures seem mysterious, warriors sound heroic, and villians remain memorable. Well-crafted and appropriate names are powerful tools for DMs and players alike. Although it can be difficult and time consuming for a DM to create lists of non-human names approrpiate to particular humanoid characters and cultures, there are frequently resources available to help with these tasks. Dwarven names might be taken from Norse myth, and numerous elven names are found in modern fantasy literature.
    Less common fantasy races can be far more difficult to find names for. This is particularly true for nonhumanoid races, who appear less frequently as major characters in fiction. And while few DMs need names for a pair of owlbears who attack the party, some monsters need good names as much as the PCs do. Most famous of such monsters are the mighty dragons, from which the D&D game takes part of its name. Dragons can be found as master villians, helpful advisors, cunning rivals, or even romantic interests for characters. For any of these roles, dragons need interesting, consistent, and memorable names to bring their personalities and roles to life.
    The dragon name generator below is designed to assist with this daunting task. No list of name fragments could ever include all the possible names and variations found among the different dragon sub-races, but this generator can serve as a starting point and easy reference for creating draconic names.

How It Works
    Each draconic name consists of one or more name fragments (from Table 2). Definitions have been included in this table to help determine what a name means once it has been generated. A dragon may also have several common monikers it has earned or chosen, and Table 2 can also help develop these. Dragons are complex and ancient creatures, and it would not be unusual for one to have a dozen or more names and titles it uses in different circumstances.
    You may randomly generate a draconic name by rolling on Table 1. If you prefer, it is also possible to pick a set of definitions you like and assemble a name from the fragments listed with each definition. If trying to name a wise silver dragon who lives on a mountain, you might decide that his name means Bright Scholor. Looking at the definitions in Table 2, you can end up with Alaerthauntyr (or Alaeauntyr, Alaeuntryr, or Alaeauntryr).
    It is important to remember what impression you want the dragon to make when assembling its name. As with any random generator, not every combination will sound good, and some names might not be appropriate for a particular creature. If you want to portray a dragon as swift and graceful, you won't want a name that sounds lumbering and clumsy.
    If you don't like a particular combination, thry some of the alternate spellings listed, or add (or remove) an ae, ar, i, ix, u, g, r, s, t, or th. Sometimes only a minor change to a name is called for, and sometimes a whole new name may be more appropriate for the dragon. If you can't make a particular name work, try one with a similar meaning. If you didn't like Alaerthauntyr, try a name that means "Ancient Sage," instead.
    Draconic names are almost always self-referential. Name fragments that are defined as a catagory (like Ethar, which means "any breath weapon") almost always refer to the dragon itself. Thus a blue dragon's name Ethar is likely to mean "lightning breath," but for a gold dragon Ethar will mean "fire breath" or "breath of gas." Name definitions with more general definitions (such as Dalagh. meaning"any weapon") likely refer to some favored object of the dragon. Of course, there are always exceptions to these rules. A draconic name can also have "Dragon of" or "Wyrm" added to it. This simple name Anthar could mean "The Dragon of the Swamp" or "Dire Wyrm."
    If you have randomly generated a name and don't like its definition, try altering the order of the words. It is also possible to use the definition as just a starting place for a name's meaning. Often the definitions can be combined in a poetic way for better results. In the case of a name with three or more fragments, try droping one or more of the definitions. Thus Feliymhoon could mean "Dragon of the Evil Shrine to Storms," "Stern Raider of Evil," "Storm of Pain," or just "The Adamant Wyrm."
    Draconic nicknames or common language monikers can be chosen or rolled up in the same way. You can randomly roll on Table 1 for a few definitions you like as a starting point. If you have decided to name the scholarly silver dragon Alaethauntryr, you might decide to roll up a few random titles for him, or just decide that bards refer to him as "Father Sky," and the nearby orcs call him "The Slumbering Terror." The older the dragon is, the more monikers and titles it is likely to have.
    Don't worry about two names sharing the same meaning or having two definitions for one name. Although draconic names have all descended from the same root language, the different sub-races have slightly different definitions and pronunciations for the same names. Besides, who's going to argue if an ancient red dragon decides to change the definition of its name?
Table 1
    1d20     Result
1   Roll once on Table 2.
2-12   Roll twice on Table 2.
13-18   Roll three times on Table 2.
19-20   Roll twice on Table 2 for a first name and twice for a second name.
    Dragons sometimes barrow names or name fragments from other languages. It would be possible for a dragon to use all or part of a human's name in its own, for no other reason than liking the sound of it. You may want to experiment with mixing draconic and dwarven or elven names. You could even mix in name fragments from other name generators.

    by Owen K.C. Stephens
    Originally printed in Dragon Magazine, issue 260, on pages 56-58.
    Owen Stephens is a veteran DM who lives in Norman, Oklahoma. Although there weren't many dragons in Oklahoma to interview for this article, Owen syas it's amazing who you can talk to on the Internet if you know where to look. His article on otyugh names is proving harder to research.

Table 2
  1d100     Name Meaning
  1     Aeros/Vaeros     Breath; Fire; Fiery; Life
  2     Agha/Agham     Any color or metal
  3     Agyrt/Gyrtu     Ancient; Elder; First; Old
  4     Akkan/Ikkan     Assassin; Bane; Murderous; Savage
  5     Alae/Alaerth     Agile; Bright; Quick; Lightning
  6     Aly/Alymm     Charm; Enchanter; Wand
  7     Andra/Andre     Epic; Great; Royal; Vast
  8     Andusk     Blinding; Light; South; Sun
  9     Angkar     Ally; Dwarf; Elf; Enemy
  10     Anthar     Dire; Dismal; Swamp; Trap
  11     Aradace     High; Mighty; Powerful; Ruler
  12     Arauth/Tharur     Defense; Maze; Trap; Trikster
  13     Ardu/Arydun     Healing; Innocent; Kind; Peaceful
  14     Arveia/Veiar     Betrayal; False; Lying; Traitor
  15     Aryz/Aryxon     Airy; Dancing; Graceful; Sweet
  16     Atar/Atrux     Fang; Feed; Gnaw; Tooth
  17     Auntyr/Untryr     Learned; Knowledge; Scholor; Wise
  18     Aurak/Uraka     Hunter; Stalk; Tail; Tracking
  19     Auth/Autha     Black; Blind; Darkness; Void
  20     Bahor/Bahr     Accursed; Blight; Curse; Toxin
  21     Bane     Might; Powerful; Ring; Rune
  22     Bala/Ballax     Blighted; Corrupt; Plague; Scourge
  23     Calaun     Assault; Judge; Smite; Vengeance
  24     Ciym/Iym     Adamant; Shrine; Statue; Stern
  25     Claug/Clugh     Forest; Garden; Green; Growing
  26     Daerev/Deregh     Egg; Hatchling; New; Young
  27     Dalagh/Dalah     Any weapon
  28     Darrh/Darrath     Dread; Fearful; Panic; Terror
  29     Durg/Daurgo     Dracolich; Foul; Rotting; Undead
  30     Deszeld     Ambitious; Dragon; Fierce; Lord/Lady
  31     Eir/Majeir     Fortress; Grand; Huge; Mountain
  32     Elden/Irden     Hermit; Quest; Sage; Search
  33     Ethar/Thargar     Any breath weapon
  34     Endeem     Claw; Sharp; Swift; Talon
  35     Endor     Brother/Sister; Companion; Twin
  36     Eroese/Reoz     Historic; Legend (any); Mythic
  37     Fel/Irfel     Evil; Malice; Misfortune; Pain
  38     Gahl/Galad     Dying; End; Night; Sunset
  39     Gaul/Gaulir     Glory; Honorable; Loyal; Oath
  40     Golos/Gos     Air; Flying; Wind; Wing/Winged
  41     Guth/Guthi     Chameleon; Disguised; Shifting; Unknown
  42     Harn/Hoon     Rage; Raid; Raider; Storm
  43     Ingeir     Devoted; Heart; Love; Soul
  44     Ix/Ixu     Courageous; Iron; Resolute; Will
  45     Iyliam/Riylm     Bone; Corpse; Entombed; Lost
  46     Jalan     Abundant; Bounty; Many; Treasure
  47     Jhar/Ujhar     Charm; Mystic; Spell; Wizard
  48     Kerin/Kerrar     Humanoid; Lesser; Servant; Weak
  49     Klauth     Rumble; Snarl; Thunder; Warning
  50     Lham/Ulham     Coast; Endless; Sea; Vast; West
  51     Lothtor     Breeder; Creator; Father/Mother; Progenitor
  52     Mal/Malae     Lair; Mysterious; Unknown; Vault
  53     Marun/ Marux     Lightning; Mighty; Powerful; Wyrm
  54     Maugh     Burning; Desire; Flame; Obsession
  55     Mere     Beast; Fiend; Savage; Primal
  56     Miir/Miirym     Alert; Cautious; Guardian; Sentinal
  57     Morn/Mornaug     Divine; God; Omniscient; Priest
  58     Murh     Crypt; Sleep; Slumbering; Still
  59     Nabal     Fate; Fortune; Lucky
  60     Nym/Nyth     Eyes; Scrying; Sight; Watching
  61     Nur/Unur     Concealed; Deceiver; Masked; Trick
  62     Oloth/Lotho     Bardic; Minstrel; Singing; Song
  63     Ontor/Ontrix     Arcane; Enchanted; Mage; Magic
  64     Osk     Greed; Horde; Lust; Thought
  65     Othim     Dark; Dusky; Shadow; Shadowy
  66     Palar/Palax     Defending; Guardian; Protector; Shield
  67     Quirin/Quitu     Celestial; Eternal; Glittering; Star
  68     Raali/Raul     Silent; Stealthy; Thief; Thieving
  69     Ragoth     Heaven; High; Sky; Tall
  70      Razylym     Armored; Hard; Steel; Strong
  71     Rith/Rithux     Destruction; Doom; Ruin; Warrior
  72     Ru/Rurr     Friend; Kin; Good; Morale
  73     Rysear/Ryx     Fast; Lithe; Rain; Water
  74     Saryn/Saryx     Any gem or stone
  75     Ser/Seyr     Moon; Orb; Pearl; Silvery
  76     Sygax/Zygax     Battle; Ruler; Victor; War
  77     Skad/Skarr     Avid; Blood; Prey; Ravenous
  78     Surp/Surr     Crazed; Nature; Wasteland; Wild
  79     Thal/Thalu     Born in/of; History; Memory
  80     Thanach/Tanarg     Chaos; Hatching; Freedom; Living
  81     Thot/Thoth     Creeping; Larva; Worm; Writhe
  82     Thrax/Uthrax     Giant; Growing; Impressive; Massive
  83     Thriin/Thriina     Archer; Arrow; Harmful; Wound
  84     Treori/Treoris     Dream; Illusion; Phantasmal; Sleep
  85     Tostyn/Tosz     Anything of value
  86     Traint/Tratain     Just; Pact; Right; Truth
  87     Turac/Turace     Cold; Frozen; Ice; North
  88     Ua/Ualin     Desolate; Destruction; Devourer; East
  89     Umer/Umerus     Bridge; Future; Oracle; Path
  90     Uryte     Forgotten; Keeper; Lost; Lore
  91     Uxin/Xin     Hated; Hateful; Poison; Venomous
  92     Vaer/Waer     Cloak; Hidden; Riddle; Secret
  93     Vala/Valam     Noble; Queen/King; Worthy
  94     Valos     Craft; Enchantment; Master/Mistress; Skill
  95     Vinc/Vincix     Clay; Earth; Terrestrial; World
  96     Voar/Voarex     Dead; Deadly; Death; Slayer
  97     Vureem     Buried; Cave; Submereged; Underground
  98     Waur/Wyr     Clever; Serpent; Sly
  99     Zundae     Harlequin; Laughing; Mirthful; Roar
  100     Zyreph     Engulfing; Flood; Overwhelm; Swallow